Lantmäteriet consists of three main divisions – Cadastral Services, Geodata and Land Registration – and seven corporate function units.
Our divisions and corporate functions
Cadastral Services is responsible for subdivision of plots, makes decisions about new properties or about changing existing boundaries. This may also apply to decisions on joint property associations, easements and utility easements.
Land Registration is responsible for decisions and registration of title deed matters to the property register, preparations for property taxation and transactions to the register of joint property management association. Land registration also handles the collection of stamp duty and fees for these transactions.
Geodata Division builds up and provides geographic information and real property information.
Our five corporate functions constitute Lantmäteriet’s joint operational resources for issues concerning:
- finance
- human resources
- IT development
- communication
- purchasing coordination, information management and international department.
Management support
The Management Support assist in matters relating to Supervision and law, Strategic advisor and Security and security protection.
Management team
Lantmäteriet’s management team consists of our Director General and Chief Executive, our Deputy Director-General, the managers for the Cadas-tral Services Division, the Geodata Division and Land Registration Division as well as the managers of our corporate functions and the assistant of the Director General and Chief Executive.
Lantmäteriet is led by a board. Our Director General and Chief Executive is a member of the board and responsible for day-to-day operations in accordance with the board’s directives. The Swedish government appoints the chairman and other members of the board.
Internal audit
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. The internal audit works on behalf of Lantmäteriet's board, which also decides on the annual audit plan.