EuVeM2022 is a 3D European geodetic velocity field available in different formats and reference frames. Geodetic velocity models are obtained from GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) velocity solutions and help in the transition from international to national velocity solutions. In geodynamics, such velocity models can also be useful in the estimation of strain rates and to get a better picture of horizontal and vertical intraplate deformations.
To achieve the velocity model, we apply a recent extension of the least-squares collocation technique to the velocity field solution which considers the GNSS station distribution, the observation error, and the effect of known plate boundaries. The latter avoids a smoothing of nearby velocities on different tectonic plates.
The model is provided in different formats: text, grid files for Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and NetCDF, kmz for Google Earth and shapefiles for GIS applications.
DOI | https://doi.org/10.23701/euvem2022 |
Title | EuVeM2022 |
Creator | Lantmäteriet |
Published | 2023 |
Publisher | Lantmäteriet |
Description | A 3D European velocity field available in different formats and reference frames calculated with the HV-LSC-ex2 extended least-squares collocation method (Steffen et al., 2022) from the EPOS velocity field EPND D2150 provided by the EUREF Permanent Network Densification (Kenyeres et al., 2019), see EUREF Permanent Network Densification Product Portal for more information (new window). A readme-file explains the different formats and reference frames. Metadata are available in the model files. Any questions can be directed to geodesi@lm.se. References: Steffen, R., Legrand, J., Ågren, J., Steffen, H., and Lidberg, M. (2022). HV-LSC-ex2: Velocity field interpolation using extended least-squares collocation. Journal of Geodesy, 96:15, doi:10.1007/s00190-022-01601-4 (new window). |
Date range | GPS weeks 1500 – 2150 (5 October 2008 – 6 March 2021) |
Spatial coverage | Europe (12°W-40°E; 33°N-73°N) |
Citation | Steffen, R., Steffen, H., Kenyeres, A., Nilsson, T., Lidberg, M. (2023): EuVeM2022. Dataset. Available from Lantmäteriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority. doi:10.23701/euvem2022 |
Resource type | Dataset |
Availability | Online |
Access | |
Licence | CC-BY (new window) |