Här hittar du examensarbeten inom Geodesi och GNSS som är öppna för ansökan.
Impact of Atmospheric Models on SWEPOS Network RTK Solutions
The reliability and accuracy of GNSS solutions depend on several factors, including hardware, software, and the methods used to mitigate various sources of error. GNSS position measurement uncertainty arises from several factors with errors from signal path delays (e.g. atmospheric effects and multipath effects) being the primary ones. The troposphere, a part of the atmosphere through which GNSS signals propagate, is a significant source of error due to its varying refractive index, which delays signal transmission. Tropospheric effects are particularly challenging because they are not frequency dependent, unlike ionospheric effects. This study aims to evaluate how different tropospheric correction models affect GNSS results at different baseline lengths, considering both real-time and post-processed solutions.
Applications are selected on an ongoing basis. Please attach a brief description of your educational background, the thesis you are applying for, the expected scope and how many of you are applying (if there are more than one person). The work is intended to be written in English.
Are you interested? Send your application to Kent Ohlsson: kent.ohlsson@lm.se