GSD Maps of Sweden, vector, is a collective name for several databases in vector format with different degrees of detail and scale. The maps of Sweden give a good overview of the country and parts of our neighboring countries. The product name in Swedish is Sverigekartor.
About this product
The products are well suited to be used as background maps and as different types of theme representations as well as in data for GIS applications.
- Available in the scales 1:5 million, 1:10 million and 1:20 million.
- Divisions into different layers give you the freedom to choose between which information you want to display on the map.
- The contents are adapted to the scale to provide a good cartographic image.
- Covers the entirety of Sweden as well as parts of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.
Geographical selection: Sweden
Delivery formats: Shape; MapInfo *.tab
Coordinate systems: SWEREF 99 TM (EPSG:3006)
Maintenance and update frequency
1:5 million, 1:10 million and 1:20 million is not updated.