To draw up a usufruct contract

When you apply for registration of a usufruct a written agreement (usufruct contract) must be drawn up between the parties. Here you can find help to create and print out a usufruct contract. The information you enter in the form will automatically be converted to a usufruct contract when you print it out. With the aid of the map, you can draw the location of the right.

Send in the contract together with the application form

The usufruct contract needs to be submitted in the original together with the application form Application for other registration cases (pdf, new window) when you apply for registration of a usufruct.

Send the contract together with the application by post to:

Lantmäteriet Fastighetsinskrivning, SE 761 80 Norrtälje Sweden

For the right to be visible in the Land register the contract needs to be submitted to Lantmäteriet for registration. That ensures that a new owner of the servient property and other interested parties can see that there is an easement or a usufruct the encumbers the property. When the contract has been submitted together with the application Lantmäteriet makes a formal examination and asses if registration can be granted.

Creating the usufruct contract

Keep in mind that the contract is not saved automatically. When you have created the contract, you need to print it out directly or save it on your computer, so it is not lost. The contract needs to be signed in written form (not digitally) by both the owner of the servient property and the usufructuary.

If you need to find a property designation or who owns a property - through the e-service Min karta (my map) or Vem äger fastigheten (who owns the property) you can find the information:

Fields marked with * are required and must be filled out.

Property / site leasehold that grants the usufruct
Other information
You can use the map to find the servient property. The with the help of the drawing tool mark where on the property the right is located.

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