Operating a community association

In a community association, the owners of the participating properties are responsible for operation and maintenance of that which they own together, for example land or joint property units. In the community association, you choose for yourselves how you want to manage your community. Lantmäteriet has no part in that.

Who should I turn to?

Who do I turn to? When it comes to for example questions about how a community association shall make decisions, tax and budget questions and disputes in the association we recommend that you turn to experts in the field on the open market.
Information about for example changing data, changing statutes, name change and extracts from the register is found under Samfällighetsföreningsregistret - SFR (community association register - SFR).

Management of a community association

Association management means that a community is managed by a community association. A community association is a legal entity and registered in the register of Lantmäteriet.
It is important to separate the needs of the property and the needs of the property owner. The management should only take the property´s needs in consideration, for example an exit road.

Read more about what you do to form a community association.

Literature and external sources

For requests that are not handled within our operations we can recommend some literature and external sources. Note only available in Swedish.

Literature recommendations:

  • Österberg, T. (2023). Samfälligheter. A guide for community associations. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik. ISBN 9789139028109.
  • Lundén, B. (2022). Samfälligheter. A practical guide regarding taxes, economy and law. Näsviken: Björn Lundén Information. ISBN 9789176952726.

External sources:

There might be conditions for contact with each one of the actors

Questions and answers

Based on the registered information in the Land register Lantmäteriet can offer register extracts on each of the joint owning properties and their owners who have a share in a land community or joint property unit. This information might be needed for example when a summons is sent out to members of the community association.

The information about joint owning properties and participatory shares may be incomplete for example if the land community or joint property unit was formed a long time ago when it was not required to register communities in the Land register.

To receive a record, you need to contact our Customer center.

A board of a community association that is competent to act always has the right to in its entirety sign on behalf of the associations firm and are qualified to represent the association. The board has the right to assign an authorized signatory (34§ SFL). Such a signatory has the same qualifications as the board to represent the association towards a third party (37§ SFL). The board can revoke the permission to sign on behalf of the association at any given time (34§SFL).

Information about the associations authorized signatories should be reported to Lantmäteriets´ Samfällighetsföreningsregister (community association register) so that it is available to banks and other parties.

The register extract is official proof for a certain community association and shows the contents of the Community association register. You might need to show the proof for example at the bank. The extract also contains the registration number of the association.

The register extract is free of charge and is ordered from Samfällighetsföreningsregistret(community association register) at sfr@lm.se.

A debit list is a register of how much each member shall pay to a community association, see Sections 41-42 of the Management of communities’ act. The sum is based on the size of the share each property has in the object that the community association manages. At the association meeting the board must present a budget and a debit list.

The debit list shall include

  • the total amount to be debited
  • how much shall be paid by each member
  • when the payment is due.

A list of property owners facilitates the establishment of the debit list.

Inform the board of the community association that you have sold your property and tell them who the new owner is. Anyone who owns a property that has a share in community is automatically a member of the community association that manages the community.

Which properties have a participatory share in a community is shown in the Land register.

You can contact our Customer Center and ask if your property has a share in any joint property unit or community.

When there is no longer any community for the association to manage. For a more explicit description se Sections 61-65 of the Management of communities’ act.

If the community association where you are a member does not have a board then you should contact the county administrative board (länsstyrelsen). They then assess if a so-called custodian can be commissioned to manage the association until a new board has been elected. The custodian firstly replaces a board member. Secondly the custodian can take over all tasks of the board and handle the concerns of the association and represent the association on their own. The primary task of the custodian is to ascertain that a new board is appointed.

Even if the custodian is appointed by the county administrative board it is the community association that shall pay the custodians fee and expenses for travel etc.

A custodian can only be appointed when a board that is competent to act is missing see Sections 31-33 of the Management of communities’ act.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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