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Reinforcement Resource Geocell can, in the event of extensive crises, produce and print customized maps in the field.
Incident-specific map support
Reinforcement Resource Geocell is a mobile all-in-one function that on-site, during a crisis operation at a response site, can provide incident-specific map support primarily to staff and field personnel.
What does the geocell consist of?
Reinforcement Resource Geocell consists of personnel, methods, and equipment prepared to be transported and established at a response site. There, it can produce maps without connection to the Internet. Maps can be printed or distributed digitally. The printing capacity is approximately 1,000 maps per hour in A4 or A3 format and about 20 maps per hour in A0 format.
What can geocell support with?
Reinforcement Resource Geocell can primarily contribute to the overall situation picture by updating the incident-specific information on the map. Additionally, there is the possibility to receive advice and support, for example, through geographic analyses. The geocell personnel can also perform simple field data collection.
Staffing around the clock
Reinforcement Resource Geocell is designed to be able to be staffed around the clock under special circumstances
Prerequisites for receiving support
Actor who wants support from the Reinforcement Resource Geocell from Lantmäteriet needs to provide the following conditions:
- Space indoor with heating and ventilation.
- Accessible road to the location for unloading equipment and materials.
- Space of at least 20m2, preferably on the ground floor (possible elevator transport requires an elevator at least 80cm wide and 180cm long).
- Access to desks and chairs.
- Access to electricity for a small IT network.
- Access to drinking water and hygiene facilities.
- Access to food (the geocell brings food for a maximum of 2 days).
- Access to a rest area (the geocell brings camping beds, sleeping pads, and sleeping bags).
Reinforcement Resource Geocell is requested through Lantmäteriet’s officer on standby.
If you have questions about Reinforcement Resource Geocell, contact us at Lantmäteriet.
Phone: 0771-63 63 63.