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The first thing you need to do if you want to change your property is to apply for a so-called surveying service.
What happens when you have submitted your application?
When Lantmäteriet 's administrator can take care of your application, we will contact you. We will then investigate whether it is possible to do what you have applied for. The administrators will also investigate which others may be affected by the application and contact them.
Read more about our processing times.
How much will it cost?
Lantmäteriet pays for its work. When the administrator contacts you, you can get an approximate estimate of how much it can cost and who will pay.
The cost consists of two parts:
- one basic amount which is determined by the number of properties involved
- a hourly rate for the work we put into your application.
Read more about our prices and take a look at our price examples.
Follow the case in the e-service
You can see everything about the application, and follow our work, in our e-service. If you want to complete your application with more information, you can also do so in the e-service. Read more about how to apply, complete and follow an ongoing case.
Do you want all government mail digitally?
Feel free to get a digital mailbox and get your mail from authorities digitally. Then you can read the mail at any time and wherever you are. Read how to do it on the page Receive your government mail digitally.