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Authorities, regions, municipalities and organizations with public tasks can sign agreements for Geodata collaboration and then gain access to geodata and services for public use.
Description of the agreement and the license terms
The agreement facilitates access to fee-based geodata from several authorities, and provides access to a comprehensive offer for an annual fee. The license terms are described in Geodata Collaboration Agreement (pdf, new window).
What counts as public use?
Here is support for determining what counts as public use:
- Examples of public and non-public activities (pdf, new window).
- SKR's interpretation of which municipal activities are covered or not covered by the license for public use (pdf, new window).
has signed a user agreement for Geodata Collaboration may need to give a contractor access to geodata to fulfill a public task. Geodata Collaboration User Agreement may in such case sublease the right to use in accordance with the Geodata Collaboration User Agreement to the Contractor.
The Contractor must approve the terms associated with the lease. Please use the form Contractor connection (dotx, new window) to regulate this.
Product range
The product range for Geodata collaboration contains geodata from Lantmäteriet, the Swedish Maritime Administration, the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU).
Take part of the product range for Geodata collaboration in:
- product range geodata collaboration (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- product range geodata collaboration (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- the filter in Geodataportalen (new window).
Contact the respective data provider to order geodata. Contact information can be found in the metadata information in The Geodata portal.
Annual fee
Organizations that have signed agreements for Geodata collaboration pay an annual fee to use the products in the product range. The annual fee is based on the data suppliers' revenue requirements for the included products in the product range.
Lantmäteriet invoices the annual fee during the first quarter of the year. Organizations that sign agreements during the current year are invoiced only for the remaining part of the year.
- Annual fees for municipalities (pdf, new window).
- Annual fees for municipalities (xlsx, new window).
- Annual fees for regions (pdf, new window).
- Annual fees for government agencies that have user agreements (pdf, new window).
Annual fees for all municipalities and regions are calculated regardless of whether they have signed a user agreement or not. Annual fees for government agencies are calculated in connection with the application.
The total products are included in the Product range. The fees are distributed using a number of parameters and user categories.
Read about parameters and user categories in the fee model (in Swedish, pdf, new window).
The annual fees may change from one year to another, due to changed conditions at users or data providers. category can be changed for a municipality if the number of inhabitants changes. Turnover for a state authority can change, which can affect category and thus the annual fee. on signing agreements
Fill in the application form to sign a Geodata Collaboration Agreement.
The following information is good to have on hand when you start your application:
- Organization number
- Invoice address and marking
- Contact information
- Date when the agreement will take effect
- Name and title of signatory
Government agencies must also state:
- Geographical area of activity, eg nationwide, counties or larger regions and whether geodata will be used in processing within the organization or only as background information
- Annual turnover, help with this can be found in Calculation of turnover for government agencies (pdf, new window).
Signed agreements for Geodata collaboration
Here are those who have signed agreements for Geodata collaboration, both current and future agreements.
You who have an agreement
Do you want to place an order from us at Lantmäteriet , you are welcome to contact our geodata support.
Phone: 026-63 36 00
Fact sheet for you who have signed a geodata collaboration agreement (pdf, new window)