Geodata for research, education and cultural activities

Teachers, students, researchers, and cultural institutions can access free geodata from Lantmäteriet and other authorities.

Geodata for students, researchers, and teachers

The following geodata is offered:

Higher education institutions that have access to the Geodata Extraction Tool (GET) also gain access to geodata from the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket) and the Statistics Sweden (SCB).

Which activities can use free geodata?

Non-commercial research where the results are of general interest and are made publicly available or published, regardless of the organizational form in which the research is conducted.

Formal education falling under the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure. This includes universities, colleges, adult education centers, and vocational colleges.

Who is not included?

Corporate research aimed at promoting their own business activities is not covered. Local history research or genealogy research conducted by nonprofit associations or individuals is not covered.

Training programs conducted by companies whose business idea is to provide targeted training to a specific company or organization, or to educate users of specific software or similar, are not covered.

How do I access geodata?

Adult education centers, adult education associations, vocational colleges, and foreign universities/colleges

Adult education centers, adult education associations, vocational colleges, and foreign universities/colleges can access geodata by contacting Lantmäteriet and the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). Contact the library or GIS coordinator at your school who can order geodata.

Universities and colleges

Universities and colleges can download free geodata through the Geodata Extraction Tool (GET) service provided by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

The GET service includes geodata from the following authorities:

  • Lantmäteriet
  • The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
  • The Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket)
  • Statistics Sweden (SCB)

To access geodata through the GET service, your university or college needs to sign an agreement for GET with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.

Geodata for Primary and Secondary Schools

The following geodata is offered:

Which schools are covered?

Primary and secondary schools operated by municipalities or private schools can access free geodata from Lantmäteriet and the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU).

How do I access geodata?

Contact the GIS coordinator in your municipality to access geodata from Lantmäteriet and SGU.

If your municipality is unable to assist, designate a contact person at your school who can order geodata from:

Geodata for Cultural Institutions

The following geodata is offered:

Which cultural institutions are covered?

Cultural institutions that are of public interest, permanent, and publicly accessible, including:

  • Theater, dance, and music organizations.
  • Museums.
  • Library services.
  • Art and cultural promotion activities.
  • Regional private archive activities.
  • Film cultural activities.
  • Promotion of traditional handicrafts.

Who is not covered?

Local history research or genealogy research conducted by nonprofit associations or individuals is not covered.

How do I access geodata?

Designate a contact person for your organization who can order geodata from:

Free e-services and Open Data

In addition to free geodata, there are several free e-services available. You can also access Lantmäteriet's open data, which is free and without restrictive conditions.

Lantmäteriet's open data.

Service What can I do with the service
For teaching in multiple subjects in primary school and secondary school. It includes lesson and a mapping tool with geodata from Lantmäteriet and other authorities.
Min karta. Look at detailed maps and aerial images of the country. Search for places, addresses, and properties.
Kartutskrift. Select an area and print your own map in a scale of 1:10 000 or 1:50 000.
Kartvisaren from SGU/Map viewers (in Swedish, new window). View maps with a selection of the Geological Survey of Sweden's (SGU) geological information.
Geologisk from SGU (in Swedish, new window). A digital educational initiative about the interplay between geology, natural resources, sustainability, and urban planning.

Source attribution when publishing or distributing

When publishing or disseminating data from Lantmäteriet, the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket), and the Statistics Sweden (SCB), it is important to acknowledge their copyright on geodata. Therefore, whenever you publish or otherwise distribute data from these authorities, you should always include the following attribution: © Name of the authority. For example: © Lantmäteriet.

When using geodata as a background image or when incorporating parts of datasets into an image published in a thesis, report, or article, it is crucial to provide proper source attribution. The source should ideally be included within the figure with the map or in the figure caption. Alternatively, if there are numerous figures, the source should be clearly indicated in the publication. For example: Map 1:10 000 Download, raster © Lantmäteriet.

Source attribution and copyright for digital maps and geodata (pdf, in Swedish, new window).

Agreement and Terms of Use

Agreement with Lantmäteriet and SGU

Agreement for Free Use of Geodata for Research, Education, and Cultural Activities (pdf, in Swedish, new window).

The agreement includes commitments, product offerings, definitions, terms of use, as well as contact information for Lantmäteriet and the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU).

To enter into an agreement with Lantmäteriet and SGU, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the agreement.
  2. Sign the agreement.
  3. Send it to

Agreement for GET – Colleges and Universities.

To access geodata from GET, your college or university needs to enter into an agreement with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The agreement incurs a cost.

For more information and to initiate the agreement process, please contact SLU at

Have we signed an agreement?

Use the search function to find out if you have an agreement for access to geodata from Lantmäteriet and SGU or GET.

Aalto university Foundation sr, Finland
Agreement number: LM2022/062328

Blekinge tekniska högskola
Agreement number: I2018/00075 - behörighet till GET

Chalmers tekniska högskola
Agreement number: I2018/00069 - behörighet till GET

Folkuniversitetet i Gävle
Agreement number: LM2021/009679

Agreement number: I2018/00132 - behörighet till GET

Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan
Agreement number: I2018/00109 - behörighet till GET

Göteborgs Universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00081 - behörighet till GET

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Agreement number: I2018/00047 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan Dalarna
Agreement number: I2018/00097 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan i Gävle
Agreement number: I2018/00138 - Behörighet till GET

Högskolan i Halmstad
Agreement number: I2018/00117 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan i Jönköping
Agreement number: I2018/00092 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan Kristianstad
Agreement number: I2018/00066 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan i Skövde
Agreement number: I2018/00122 - behörighet till GET

Högskolan Väst
Agreement number: I2018/00071 - behörighet till GET

Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Norge
Agreement number: LM2024/015824

Inland Norway University of applied sciences
Agreement number: LM2023/051514

Institute of geography, Heidelberg university
Agreement number: I2018/00120

Institutt for Geofag - Universitetet Oslo
Agreement number: I2018/00148

Karlstads universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00096 - behörighet till GET

Karolinska institutet
Agreement number: I2018/00228 behörighet till GET

Kungliga Konsthögskolan
Agreement number: I2019/00073

Kungliga tekniska högskolan
Agreement number: I2018/00074 - behörighet till GET

Köpenhamns Universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00314

Linköpings Universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00052 - behörighet till GET

Agreement number: I2018/00091 - behörighet till GET

Luleå tekniska universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00113 - behörighet till GET

Lunds universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00119; - behörighet till GET

Agreement number: I2018/00099 - behörighet till GET

Malmö universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00082 - behörighet till GET

Mälardalens Högskola
Agreement number: I2018/00062 - behörighet till GET

Skogforsk, Stiftelsen Skogsbrukets Forskningsinstitut
Agreement number: I2018/00076

Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Agreement number: I2018/00104

RISE Research Institute of Sweden AB
Agreement number: LM2021/042170

Stiftelsen Stockholms Tekniska Institut
Agreement number: LM2022/059330

Stiftelsen The Stockholm Environment Institute
Agreement number: LM2021/015121

Stockholms universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00134 - Behörighet till GET

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
Agreement number: LM2020/008663

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Agreement number: I2018/00118 - behörighet till GET

Södertörns högskola
Agreement number: I2018/00098 - behörighet till GET

Technical University Berlin
Agreement number: LM2022/059657

Technical University of Denmark
Agreement number: LM2021/048261

The university of Sheffield
Agreement number: I2019/00104

TUC Yrkeshögskola
Agreement number: LM2021/047904

UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Agreement number: LM2022/053625

Umeå Universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00048 - behörighet till GET

University of Bayreuth, Chair of Biogeography
Agreement number: LM2021/052818

University of Cape Town, Sydafrika
Agreement number: I2018/00301 - behörighet till GET

University of Eastern Finland
Agreement number: LM2023/049912

University of Exeter
Agreement number: I2018/00247

University of Waterloo, Geospatial Centre
Agreement number: LM2023/011725

Uppsala universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00145 - Behörighet till GET

Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Agreement number: LM2023/031735

Yrkeshögskolan, Härnösands kommun
Agreement number: LM2023/022041

Örebro universitet
Agreement number: I2018/00064 - behörighet till GET

Ajtte, Svenskt fjäll- och samemuseum
Agreement number: I2018/00095

Bollerup Lantbruksinstitut och Naturbruksgymnasium
Agreement number: I2018/00072

Brunnsmuseet Sätra Brunn
Agreement number: LM2020/009723

Danderyd Gymnasium
Agreement number: I2018/00133

Enhörna Hembygdsförening
Agreement number: I2018/00084

Folkemuseum, avd Norsk Maritimt museum
Agreement number: LM2020/019416

Folkrörelsernas Konstfrämjande
Agreement number: I2018/00166

Föreningen Gotlands fornvänner (Gotlands museum)
Agreement number: I2018/00093

Föreningen Västsvensk arkeologi
Agreement number: LM2023/016090

Gammelkroppa Skogsskola (Värmland och Örebro läns skogsskola)
Agreement number: LM2020/024570

Genarps Kulturförening
Agreement number: I2018/00094

Göteborgs Hembygdsförbund
Agreement number: I2018/00054

Institutet för språk och folkminnen
Agreement number: I2018/00137

Kalmar läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00065

Kartotek, Kart- och teknikutbildarna i Haninge AB
Agreement number: I2018/00259

Konstmuseet i Norr
Agreement number: LM2022/007265

Kulturhistoriska Föreningen i Södra Sverige
Agreement number: I2018/00085

LAPONIATJUOTTJUDUS, Laponiaförvaltningen
Agreement number: I2019/00020

Agreement number: LM2021/012062

Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Agreement number: I2018/00110

Länsmuseet Västernorrland
Agreement number: I2018/00090

Malmö museer
Agreement number: LM2021/044381

Mariannelunds Folkhögskola
Agreement number: I2018/00061

Agreement number: LM2021/048287

Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
Agreement number: I2018/00313

Nordiska Museet
Agreement number: I2018/00050

Nordnorsk Vitensenter
Agreement number: I2018/00105

Agreement number: I2018/00063

Norrbottens museum
Agreement number: I2018/00067

Ocellus Information Systems AB
Agreement number: I2018/00070

Piteå museum
Agreement number: I2018/00121

Regionmuseet i Kristianstad/ Landsantikvarien i Skåne
Agreement number: I2018/00173

Agreement number: I2018/00080

Rio Kulturlandskap ekonomisk förening
Agreement number: LM2021/021034

Skogsmuseet i Lycksele AB
Agreement number: LM2021/022535

Skånes Arkivförbund
Agreement number: LM2023/051389

Statens historiska museer
Agreement number: I2018/00153

Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer
Agreement number: LM2023/014592

Stiftelsen Blekinge läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00107

Stiftelsen Dalarnas museum
Agreement number: I2018/00142

Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut
Agreement number: I2018/00131

Stiftelsen Hallands länsmuseer, Halmstad och Varberg
Agreement number: I2018/00051

Stiftelsen Jamtli
Agreement number: I2018/00083

Stiftelsen Jönköpings läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00079

Stiftelsen länsmuseet i Göteborg och Bohuslän
Agreement number: I2018/00123

Stiftelsen Silvermuseet
Agreement number: I2018/00073

Stiftelsen Skansen
Agreement number: I2018/00108

Stiftelsen Stockholms Läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00165

Stiftelsen teknikens hus
Agreement number: I2018/00106

Stiftelsen Upplandsmuseet
Agreement number: I2018/00130

Stiftelsen Värmlands museum
Agreement number: I2018/00114

Stiftelsen Västergötlands museum
Agreement number: I2018/00088

Stiftelsen Västerviks Museum
Agreement number: I2018/00060

Stiftelsen Örebro läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00136

Sveriges Spelmäns Riksförbund
Agreement number: LM2022/024645

Sörmlands museum, Södermanlands läns landsting
Agreement number: I2018/00115

The National Museum of Denmark
Agreement number: LM2020/012952

Thorildsplans gymnasium
Agreement number: I2018/00049

Tornedalens Fiskemuseum, Kukkolaforsen
Agreement number: I2018/00135

Universeum AB
Agreement number: LM2021/046892

Vallby friluftsmuseum, Västerås stad
Agreement number: LM2021/035937

Västarvet, Västra Götalands läns landsting
Agreement number: I2018/00116

Västerbottens museum
Agreement number: I2018/00087

Västmanlands läns museum
Agreement number: I2018/00086

Östergötlands länsmuseum (Östergötlands museum)
Agreement number: I2018/00089

Østfoldmuseene Halden historiske samlinger
Agreement number: I2018/00124

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