Dwelling Unit Download

This product provides Dwelling Units Register information which can be integrated into your own system and applications. The information is not publicly available. The product name in Swedish is Lägenhet Nedladdning.

About this product

Dwelling Unit Download contains information from the Dwelling Units Register, which is a national register of all dwelling units in Sweden. The Dwelling Unit Register is regulated in the Dwelling Units Registry Act and is not publicly available. Information about who lives in the unit is not available in the Dwelling Units Register.

Important to know

Consider the following before ordering the product:

  • The data in digital form may only be disclosed to:
    • The Swedish Tax Agency
    • The Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics
    • the municipality concerned
    • the property owner. Property owners with questions about the Dwelling Units Register should contact the municipality in which the real property is located. More about the Dewlling Units Register.
  • Your use will be reviewed legally according to the Dwelling Units Registry Act and you need to sign a license with terms of use.
  • This product provides access to information that you order, download and store with you.

Limitations in access

Lantmäteriet can only release information from the Dwelling Units Register in digital form for the following purposes:

  • Civil registration.
  • Production of statistics.
  • Research.
  • Planning, follow-up and evaluation of housing stock and construction.

The purposes are only authorized for: the Swedish Tax Agency; the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics; the municipality concerned; and the property owners, for their own properties.

Maintenance and update frequency

All information in the product can be found in the Dwelling Units Register or the Real Property Register. When they are updated the changes are immediately available in the product. The maintenance and update frequency differs between different information sets.

Building information

The building section and dwelling units information in the Real Property Register is updated by the respective municipality as soon as the municipality makes a decision on registering building information.

Building and dwelling unit information is available for all 290 municipalities in Sweden. The update period varies for the different municipalities.

Real property information

Real property information is included in the general section of the Real Property Register and is updated by the Cadastral Authority after a decision on property formation has gained force of law. The information is updated every weekday.


Documentation for Dwelling Unit Download in Dokumentation geodataprodukter (in Swedish, new window).

Document for information mapping

Simplified mapping document is an information mapping between the deliveries in the ÖFF and XML formats for the same amount of information that is made at table level.

Förenklat mappningsdokument mellan ÖFF och Lägenhet Nedladdning (in Swedish, pdf, new window)

Mapping documents for the same attribute-level information set.

Mappningsdokument Lägenhet (in Swedish, pdf, new window)

Order product

You can order Real property information directly from us or from any of our resellers.

If you want information about your own real property free of charge, you are welcome to use our e-service My property.

If you want information from the Real Property Register according to the principle of public access to information, you are welcome to contact Kundcenter.

Order from Lantmäteriet

If you want to order directry from us, you use the e-service Geotorget (in Swedish).

Read more about how to order and other functions in Geotorget (in Swedish).

Order from resellers

If you need help with ordering our geodata products or get a customized solution for your business, you can contact one of our geodata resellers.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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