Open data - questions and answers

Here you can find answers to many of the questions we get about open spatial data.

Can't find the answer to your question? Send it to and we will respond to it as soon as we can.

Terms and user account

Password reset and username can be found at Log in Open data,
or if you follow the links below:

Yes, send an email to

The system that manages user accounts has several functions - where one function is to manage all our services, even those that are still subject to a fee. As a result, a high level of security is needed for the system, and this is also the case when we create user accounts for open data.

We want an opportunity to also reach our users of open data to announce changes and perhaps ask some questions. In addition, we want to be able to follow the use on an overall level and therefore ask everyone to fill in the type of user.

The information that Lantmäteriet releases as open data is made available under the open data license Creative Commons, CC0.

This means that the information can be used, disseminated, redone, modified and built on, even in commercial contexts without any restrictions. On the other hand, we encourage users to state that it is Lantmäteriet that is the author, when they use, process or distribute their work.

Content and accessibility

There are additional downloadable files with other terms of use, Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2012 and Satellite Images via Saccess.

The road network of maps is mainly a geometric description of the road network where the roads are divided into a number of different classes so that the information can be cartographically reproduced, for example presenting motorways with a different map style are individual car roads.

Anyone who needs more complete information about e.g. road type (motorway, motorway, private road, private carriageway and the like) or other metadata such as road number, permitted speed, pavement, etc. can obtain this from the Swedish Transport Administration. The information is available in the National Road Database (NVDB) which the Swedish Transport Administration owns and manages in collaboration with the National Land Survey, Sweden's municipalities and county councils, the forest industry and the Swedish Transport Agency.

The open map information are available as follows:

  • As downloadable files in GeoPackage vector format. The formats Shape and Mapinfo are being phased out.
  • Via an open API. Geodata data service Topographic web map Display, overview based on the standardized call interface Web Map Service (WMS) developed by OGC, The Open Geospatial Consortium. WMS is also an ISO standard (ISO 19128).

It is not possible to use our Geodata services offline.
However, there will be vector products, downloadable files in the vector formats Shape and Mapinfo, on Lantmäteriet's website as downloadable files for offline use.


Lantmäteriet is constantly working to increase the quality of data. It is currently possible to report errors in the map via our service Improve the map.

The geodata service Topographic web map Display, overview is a so-called display service that has the character 'question-answer', where the consumer (user's system) sends a service call over the Internet and gets back a map image in a standard image format.

The characteristics of the map image are defined by the call parameters, such as information type ('WMS layer'), geographical spread, reference system, image format and image size.

For the use of WMS services, many client applications or components for integration into one's own system are available. In addition to commercial systems, there are a number of established products based on open source code, see for example uDig or QGIS.

Style files

LyrAdmin.mxd, is used together with ArcGIS 9.x and 10.x to connect the delivered shape files with the correct layer in the .lyr file.

LyrAdmin for version 9.x
User Guide - LyrAdmin (pdf)
Lyradmin9 (mxd)

LyrAdmin for version 10.x
User Guide - LyrAdmin (pdf)

Esri´'s website (new window)

QGIS Sweden has collected gml. style files to add style to Lantmäteriet's vectorized maps in QGIS. The files are available for download from their Github page:
Which can also be accessed from


There is a paid real-time service for qualified measurement (Network RTK) that provides an accuracy down to the centimeter level. Lantmäteriet currently has no plans to turn this into open data.

The satellite systems used for satellite positioning go under the collective name GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, where GPS is the best known example. Satellite positioning and GNSS measurement are often used as synonymous terms.

The service that Lantmäteriet now offers as open data is a real-time service for satellite-based measurement and positioning at meter level. The service 'refines' the quality of the position obtained directly from the satellites by correcting for disturbances in the atmosphere.
The surveyor continuously senses the geometric errors that occur in the atmosphere by having a network of fixed, detail-saturated reference stations that constantly register the deviation in position quality between the actual position of the ground station and the position indicated by the satellites.

There are currently about 400 such stations strategically located in the country and the correction data they generate are distributed via mobile Internet to the unit that registers the position from the positioning satellites.

Yes, the corrections are distributed via a machine-readable interface and a format called NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol).

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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