Manual for GeoLex

This search service - which is open to everyone - provides the opportunity to search for information about aerial photographs and orthophotos.

Overview - panels, tools and buttons


GeoLex can be used in different modes. It can be a map on the entire screen, a map on the half screen and with panels for different functions or panels over the entire screen. Panel mode is automatically saved as a user setting.

A white arrow against a gray background. Panels open with this icon located at the top of the menu bar on the left of the screen.

Example of a map of the entire screen, with all panels closed.

Example map with all panels closed. The map looks like a regular map.

Press the button that opens the panels once and you will get the following position with half the area with the map and the rest to any panel.

Plain map with panel options menu on the page.

Close a panel by clicking on  White arrow against gray background.

The toolbar above the map

The toolbar above the map has a number of functions in buttons and menus.

Toolbar with icons representing red arrow to the left, green arrow to the right, magnifying glass with minus sign inside, magnifying glass with plus sign inside, Scroll list with map options and white arrow against gray background, mouse pointer, 4 vertical dots, gears, white question mark on blue circle and speech bubble.

 Red arrow to the left. Back to previous map extension.

 Green arrow to the right. Forward to map extension before reversing.

 Magnifier with minus sign inside. Zoom out. Click once or hold down the left mouse button and drag a box.

 Magnifier with plus sign inside. Zoom in. Click once or hold down the left mouse button and drag a box.

 Scroll list with map options and white arrow towards gray background. Map Selection Menu.

 Muspekare. Displays active tool, arrow shows that it is possible to pan.

 Magnifier with plus sign inside. Here Zoom is active and then it is not possible to pan.

 Gear. Here are Map and Index settings, for example to set a selection on the map for a searched position.

 White question mark on blue circle. Help

 Speech Bubble. Leave comments . Here you can leave comments on the program.

Toolbar to the left of the map

 Ruler that meets an angled line. Measure with line . Finish with a double click. The measurement remains until a new measurement begins.

 A green square with several identical squares in a row behind. Map Selector - select, organize and set transparency for maps and images .

 A square with a curved arrow at the top instead of a straight line. Link , link to map section in GeoLex.

 Trash can. Trash - clear selected information.

 Camera. Images - search and view information about aerial images and orthophotos.

 Blue sign with the text Place names - search and show in the map.

 A square with 4 numbered squares inside: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Index - search and display index boxes and map sheets.

The coordinate window below the map

Menu with coordinates and scale.

The top row shows the map coordinates and approximate scale.

By clicking on  Compass pointer. the user's geographical position can be displayed. The accuracy of the position depends on whether the computer, phone, etc. is able to position with satellite positioning or is connected to wifi.

By mark the fields for CN, CE the coordinate can be entered and then the image is moved to the searched point.
Under settings Gears. it is possible to choose that a mark  Strut with searchlight directed from the tip downwards. is displayed in the point.

Scale can be set in the field for the scale factor. Note that the scale depends on the screen resolution which makes it difficult to compare scale but someone who has a different resolution on their screen.

The bottom line indicates which reference system the image is displayed in, currently only SWEREF 99 TM is available. shows the position of the mouse pointer and finally the coordinates for the distribution of the map. .

Background map

Background map is a grayscale version of Topographic web map.
Zoom in when searching for information about aerial images - it also shows the pixel and year for each aerial image .

Grayscale Version of Topographic Sitemap.


Orthophoto is a Sweden overview that shows the latest orthophoto.


Latest orthophoto years

Latest orthophoto years is a division that shows aerial photography years for the most recent orthophoto. 5 km squares means that the resolution is 0 , 5 m and for 2.5 km squares it is 0.25 m per pixel.

Division in the form of squares on a map showing aerial photography year for latest orthophoto

Aerial photos from 2003 to the present

Aerial photos from 2003 to the present, in 1960-2002 and the oldest from the year 1929-1959 , displays pixels colored by image type (for example, analog color).

Pixels on a map colored by image type. Colors: red, purple, blue, gray and white.

The following colors are used:

 Table with a column for color and a column for image type. Colors and image types that belong together: Red - Digital, color + IR. Purple - Analog, infrared. Blue - Analog, color. Gray - Analog, grayscale. White - Analog.

Zoom in and the aerial photography year for the pixel is also displayed.

This year's orthophoto

This year's orthophoto shows the current year's outcome.

Map Selector

 A green square with several identical squares in a row behind. The Map Selector contains all the maps you can use in GeoLex. The maps are available as layers or groups, where a group consists of more than one layer.

Beige map. Group, consists of several layers, can be opened and then all layers are displayed.

 Paper with folded bottom corner on one side. Layer

 Right Arrow. Click the arrow to display layers.

 Arrow pointing obliquely downwards. Click on the arrow to hide layers.

Both layers and groups can be turned on and off and if they are grayed out they are off. groups can also be moved by dragging and dropping.When moving a layer or group, be aware that a beige-yellow mark will appear in the map selector where your layer or group will be placed. A group can not be moved into another group.

Menu showing different map options.

Transparency of a layer can be changed by clicking on  Transparency Icon. and set the level of a slide bar.

 Menu showing different options for maps. Traction bar set to 45% opacity.

Searching for aerial photography information

To search and manage the information about the aerial photography you are interested in, you can use different tools.

Menu with the choices From year, Empty year and Image type. Below the selections are buttons with different icons.

You can search for aerial photos from a specific year or within an interval. .
You can also select the image type you want to search for.

 Funnel with green arrow angled backwards in a bend. Here you reset all search conditions (filters).

To decide in which area you want to search in the map, use the tools Add with area or Add with a dot to define the search area, using the Remove with dot and Delete with dot tools through the map, remove the selection.

By using the search criteria, you make a selection that appears in the list in the Selected tab.

On the map, the points are marked in cyan.

Box with two display options: Selected and Detailed Information.

If you want to see where on the map the images are, use Zoom to selected  Magnifying glass and rectangular selection area as meet. .

By clicking on  Image icon depicting green landscape with sun in blue sky. the selected image is previewed as a low-resolution thumbnail in a new window. Multiple images can be displayed simultaneously in different windows.
Note> Because the image is displayed in a so-called Pop-up window, your browser must not be set to Blocking Pop-up windows, see browser tool settings.

Here you can remove from the list by clicking on the red cross. If you want to clear the list completely, use Clear selected aerial images Trash..

In the Detailed Information tab you will see more information about the aerial image. Tap with the tool Show aerial image information Mouse pointer pointing to exclamation point in blue circle with white borders. to select the pixel you want to know more about. A hit list is displayed with the pixels that the tool found.

 Box with the heading aerial image and 3 columns below. The columns show year and image type, icon for image and green plus or red cross.

Three dots were found in the example. The ones with green plus signs ( Add ) did not previously appear in Selected but can add here, and the one with a red cross ( Delete ) is in Selected but can be deleted here, select the item you want to display in the list more information about how the object is highlighted in yellow in the map and in the list.

Box with the heading aerial view and 3 columns below. The columns show year and image type, icon for image and green plus or red cross. One of the rows is selected.

By clicking on  Image icon depicting green landscape with sun in blue sky. Selected image is previewed as a low resolution thumbnail in a new window. Multiple images can be displayed simultaneously in different windows. For some images, thumbnails are missing.

In the Details tab the following is displayed:

Box with the Selected selections and Detailed information in the form of tabs. The detail information tab is highlighted. It contains various metadata.

By clicking on  Image icon depicting green landscape with sun in blue sky. the selected image is previewed as a low resolution thumbnail in a new window. Multiple images can be displayed simultaneously in different windows. For some images thumbnails are missing.

Search for information about orthophotos

All orthophotos that are stored digitally are searchable in the service with information about distribution, image type (b / w, IR or color) and aerial photo years. Older orthophotos that lack that information are based on altitude data 50 m grid.

To search and manage the information about the orthophotos you are interested in, you can use various tools.

Box with fillable fields with the headings.

You can search for orthophotos from a certain year or within an interval. current year end year.

You can also select the image type

 Scroll list with the image type heading and the options

Or if you just want to search for orthophotos with 0.25 meters resolution

 Scroll list with different choices and the heading

 Funnel with green arrow going backwards in a bend. Here you reset all search criteria (filters).

To decide in which area you want to search, you can define the search area with the tools:

Mouse pointer pointing to green plus sign and irregular marking. Add with surface

 Mouse pointer pointing to green plus sign and marker with straight corner. Add with period

To delete choices you have made in the map, you can use the tools:

Mouse pointer pointing to red cross and irregular marking. Remove with surface

 Mouse pointer pointing to red cross and marker with straight corner. Delete with period

Using the search criteria, make a selection that appears in the list in the Selected tab On the map, the distribution of the selected orthophoto is marked in green.

Box with two tabs at the top:

 Map with two frames in the form of squares stacked on top of each other.

If you want to see where on the map the images are, use Zoom to selected  Magnifying glass and rectangular marking. .

By clicking on  Image icon with green landscape and sun in blue sky. f preview the selected image as a low-resolution thumbnail in a new window. Multiple images can be displayed simultaneously in different windows.  Sign in the form of a green arrow with the text Since the image is displayed in a so-called Pop-up window, your browser must not be set to Blocking Pop-up windows, see the browser's tool settings.

Here you can remove from the list by clicking on the red cross. If you want to clear the list completely, use Clear selected orthophotos Trash can. .

In the Detailed Information tab you will see more information about orthophotos. Tap with the tool Show information about orthophotos Mouse pointer pointing at white exclamation mark in a blue circle with a white border. to select the image you want to know more about. A hit list is displayed with the orthophotos that the tool found.

In the example below were found twelve orthophotos, the ones with green plus signs ( Add ) were not previously in Selected but can add here, and the one with a red cross ( Remove ) is in Selected but can be removed here.Select in the list the image you want to show more information about and it will be highlighted in yellow in the map and in the list.Only one item at a time can display detailed information about.The selection on the map and the information in the tab remains until another object is selected.

Map with 2 rectangular markings: 1 orange and one green. Box with the heading Orthophoto and 12 different options for orthophotos.

Search and view place names on the map

 Blue sign in the form of a wide arrow with the text Ort. Place names can search using a number of search conditions.

The first condition is if the place name is specified in the search or if it is a free text search of some kind (starts with, exactly etc.). County is selected in the list and is a mandatory information that must be entered before the municipality. Municipality can be omitted or selected in the list. Language and name type are not mandatory search conditions.

Example of a search.

Click on a line and the image will be panned to the place of the name.
The place is marked with a green map pin  Green map pin.

Remove the map pin by clicking on the line again.

List all hits - copied or printed.

Show all hits on map - zooms to all place names in the list and they are reported with a round ring with magenta filling.

 Map of Sälgsjön and nearby area.


Enter the place name or location you want to search for in Click the 'Search' button or press return on the keyboard.

Enter your keyword and select one of the options 'Begins with', 'Exact', 'Contains' or 'Ends with'. on the 'Search' button or press return on the keyboard. On small screens such as mobiles, select the box "Refine the search" to display the refinement options. the word 'hult'.

  1. Enter hult in the input field
  2. Select the option 'Ends with'>
  3. Click on the 'Search' button or press return on the keyboard.

It is also possible to search with Sami characters.

You can limit a search to the following based on county, municipality, language and name type. County must be selected before the municipality can be selected Language and name type can be selected independently.

When you click the 'Search' button or press return keyboard, the search result is displayed as a list directly below the input field and the search controls.
If your search contains more hits than can fit on the screen, these hits are displayed by clicking on the links that appear below the hit list.

Click in the hit list to select a place or place. The selected city or place is then shown in the map.

Change city or place by clicking in the hit list. The map is updated so that the geographical location of the place or place is marked.

Search index boxes and map sheets

Green square divided into 4 squares numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. The search criteria for index boxes and map sheets are; Coordinate systems and map series or division into index boxes.

 Index box with selection for leaf code and geometry.

Search can be done on blade code or with geometry.

 Trash. Remove selected from list.

 Arrow and list icon. Add to list.

 Mouse pointer and dot icon. Search by dot.

 Mouse pointer that touches line. Search by line.

 Magnifier and rectangular marker. Zoom to all selected. Zoom to a sheet or box - click on the row in the list.

Show index boxes and map sheets

 Green square with several identical squares behind in a row. The Map Selector contains all the maps you can use in GeoLex. The maps are available as layers or groups, where a group consists of more than one layer.

Index boxes and page layout can be displayed either in the SWEREF 99 TM coordinate system or in RT90.

For help and tips on the Map Selector above , more information on how to handle the different groups and layers.

The map selector with several different options under the headings Index boxes, page division and Orthophoto and more.

The following example shows a dimmed background map, index boxes, SWEREF 99 TM, 5 km and index boxes, RT90 5 km. allows you to see the difference in the routing between the different coordinate systems.

Dimmed background map, index boxes, SWEREF 99 TM, 5 km and index boxes, RT90 5 km.

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