High Value Data, HVD

The EU's open data directive and the implementing regulation for high value data (High Value Data, HVD) describe which data sets Lantmäteriet must provide. During 2024, Lantmäteriet is carrying out a major restructuring project to meet the requirements of the directive.

Lantmäteriet´s implementation of High Value Data, HVD

In the process of introducing particularly valuable datasets, Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral, and land registration authority) is currently focusing on the following aspects:

  • Risk Assessments for the merged datasets based on the requirements outlined in the “Law on the Accessibility of Data in the Public Sector.” This ongoing work involves collaboration with other authorities, and the results may impact the implementation of particularly valuable datasets.
  • Consideration of Requirements set forth by the Property Register Act regarding the handling of personal data inclu-ded in the particularly valuable datasets. This necessitates specific adjustments in the delivery process.
  • Ensuring that Lantmäteriet’s IT infrastructure can handle the expected increased demand.
  • The introduction of particularly valuable datasets also entails a new funding model for Lantmäteriet’s geospatial information supply. Currently, there are appropriations for the introduction of these datasets, but the question of financing increased administrative costs and revenue shortfalls remains unresolved.

Due to the above considerations, we cannot provide more clarity on how this will affect our products and fees. Similarly, the communication timeline for the implementation is not yet finalized.

News about High Value Data

The EU Commission has now decided that particularly valuable data must be available as open data. Data such as address data will become open, free of charge and may be used freely.

Lantmäteriet receives SEK 20 million extra - work towards open data can begin

The government proposes in the spring budget that Lantmäteriet receives an extra SEK 20 million in grants to begin the work of phasing out fee-based data towards open data, something that must be completed by February 2025 at the latest.

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New government decision regarding open data

The government has made a decision which means that Lantmäteriet will have additional time to carry out the transition to open data. Lantmäteriets open data must now be available by February 2025 at the latest.

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New decision from the EU Commission

A decision has been made to make an addition to the Open Data Directive. This means that various data sets that are particularly valuable to society must be offered free of charge. The EU Commission's decision is valid from 2023-02-09.

The following data will become open data in the future: address- and building data, information about property boundaries, elevation data, hydrography, maps and aerial photos, so called orthophotos.

This will happen

In order to implement the decision on open data, Lantmäteriet is dependent on funding and the Government making a decision on increased allocations to Lantmäteriet. This has not yet happened.

EU member states usually have 16 months to implement the decision. More information will come when the Government has made a decision. However, the government has decided that the Lantmäteriet may continue to charge fees for its availability of geodata, however until 9 February 2025 at the latest. See government decision Fi2023/00998 (new window, in Swedish).

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