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The Land and Real Estate Council is Lantmäteriet 's forum for discussing real estate law and financial issues with representatives in the field of land surveying.
Council members come from the private, municipal and state sectors and represent several large companies, interest groups and authorities, primarily in the real estate area. Members of the council are also representatives of the master's degree programs at KTH in Stockholm and LTH in Lund. Susanne Ås Sivborg , Director General of Lantmäteriet , is chairman of the council. Meetings are held twice a year.
The council discusses real estate issues of common interest to the members, such as legislation and law enforcement, quality and price issues for surveying services and real estate registers, skills and education issues. Through the council, Lantmäteriet has the opportunity to inform about its activities and obtain views and suggestions from large users of Lantmäteriet s products.
Council members
Lantmäteriet, Fastighetsbildning
De kommunale Lantmäterimyndigheterna
Sveriges Domstolar
Fastighetsägarna Sverige
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund LRF
Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten
Riksförbundet Enskilda Vägar
Skogsmarksägande companies
Svensk Energi
Svenska Kraftnät
Sveriges Byggindustrier
Sveriges kommun och landsting
Villaägarnas Riksförbund