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Property boundaries and landmarks are of great importance for land use in society. They are the dividing line between properties and run between the boundary points decided at a surveying service, marked by boundary markings on the ground and reported on the map.
The boundaries determine the extent of the property on the land and what you own. Knowing the location of the border and what you can and cannot do with or near it is important when, for example, buying a property, building permit, deforestation, hunting, fishing, setting up fences and planting hedges.
The demands are increasing on the accuracy and reliability of the border points in the digital map and an action plan with priority activities has been developed in 2021. The plan is a step in raising the quality of information to support digital transformation and a sustainable society.
Read the Action Plan for Real Estate Boundaries' location accuracy (pdf in Swedish, new window).
Take part in information videos regarding unclear boundaries in the register map.