Municipal cooperation

Sweden's municipalities and Lantmäteriet collaborate in different ways within the Swedish surveying area.

Collaborative meeting between Lantmäteriet and the municipalities

Lantmäteriet's Director General Susanne Ås Sivborg invited, on 3 December, the country's 290 municipalities to a dialogue focusing on how collaboration can be further developed by sharing experiences, needs and challenges. Lantmäteriet and the municipalities both have important roles for a digital community building process, where collaboration is important to achieve more efficient planning, property development and building permit processes.

- We need have a common view of our different roles in society and in the work of developing a new collaboration model, says Susanne Ås Sivborg.

There were about 100 people from the municipalities who participated on site in Stockholm and at least as many at a distance via webcast. There were good initial reviews and a great commitment in the group discussion with many submitted views on opportunities and challenges regarding collaboration for a digital community building process.


  • Follow-up from the meeting with KLM in June
  • Collaboration for an efficient community building process
  • The detailed plan and building permit process
  • Property formation process
  • Group discussion - Collaboration for a more efficient community building process
  • SKR reflects on the day and Closing

Continued work with compilation and handling of views and ideas as well as the development of a new collaboration model takes place in Collaboration group SKR-LM with representatives from the municipalities, SKR and Lantmäteriet.

Collected presentations, views and film recordings from the collaboration meeting

Collected under the heading Municipal collaboration, you will find information and / or support for your work, eg;

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